It is Hard to Grasp Time for Sleep
A Sleep Well Guide to Fall Into
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Do You Feel Like This?

Some people with sleep disorders may encounter:

  • Diffculty falling or staying asleep
  • Daytime fatigue
  • Lack of concentration
  • Strong urge to take naps during the day
You May Feel Like This Because...

Factors that can cause sleep problems may include:

  • Physical Disturbances
  • Medical Issues
  • Psychiatric Disorders
  • Environmental Issues
So What Can Be Done?

Some people may pursue different kinds of sleep disorder treatments:

  • Therapies, which may include congnitive behavioral therapy for insomnia
  • Medicines, which are mainly made to help one to fall asleep
  • Devices, which can be used to help one to be comfortable to fall asleep
  • Build on one's healthy sleep habits

Wait, Wait, Wait...

What is Sleep Disorder?

Bascially, Sleep Disorder is a condition in which constant sleep is disturbed frequently for a long duration of time. In turn, it can affect your overall health, safety and increase your risk of health problems.

More information can be found in our 'More' page! Click the button below to read for more information!

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The authors of this fantastic webpage: Group 18 of Project Heartcode 2022

Johnathon Woo (Mentee) & Jason (Mentor)

Evan Tan (Mentee) & Lynette (Mentor)

This webpage is done in a 5 day workshop in Project Heartcode of the SMU. This webpage aims to raise awareness about mental disorders. And in this webpage, it focuses on the branch in relation to sleep disorders. However, as the authors are not medically certified, hence, this webpage is merely food for thought, and to encourage more people to understand the troubles and pain people with disorders encounter.

Additionally, if one is looking for more information, one should click on the 'More' link on the navigation bar.

Or, if one is looking for some helplines, one should click on the 'Contact Us' link on the navigation bar.

Hope you will have a lovely day! :>

PS: Mental disorder is not a label of you, it is not what it defines you. It is just a status effect.

For Project Heartcode 2022, Thank you Judges, EXCOs and all Mentors and Mentees.